The 2025 boating season is fast approaching, and we are starting to think about launching the boats. Noting the combination of the Easter Period, associated bank holidays and of course, the tides, we are having to launch the boats slightly later than normal this year.
We will launch the small boats and motorboats on 6th of May and the larger boats and sailing boats on the 7th of May.
Please put these dates in your calendar and I will send out the administration instructions in March together with my normal appeal for Club members (willing and press-ganged) to help.
Although the boats are going in late, which I know is annoying, it does on the other hand give us another couple of weeks of better weather to get the boats looking good before they launch.
You should shortly receive an e-mail from the Treasurer requesting payment for your moorings.
I look forward to getting back out on the water and hopefully we can get a few flotillas going.
Chris Fomes
TBA Moorings and Boats Manager